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更新时间:2025-03-24 21:04:43
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run a race的近义词

1. And there were faster female runners in triathlons who would occasionally catch up with me on the run portion of a race.

2. Run a race alone and you feel empty, compete against others and you are forced to try harder.

3. Hey, what about being the first trio of women to run a major American race?

4. He said the race is a wonderful opportunity to try to run such a long distance.

5. Race stewards said in a statement that Kubica's BMW Sauber was found to have run two kilos too light.

6. A run by Chirac could significantly shift the direction, tone and outcome of what is expected to be a close race.

1. run a race的近义词

1. If you go out for a 45-minute run at 10K race pace, you will be burning less fat and generating more waste products than if you ran those 45 minutes at only a 60 percent effort.

2. Let us to serve our Lord in unity and become companion to run the race marked out for us.

3. But it is very good over a long run and so I think I can be a frontrunner in tomorrow's race.

4. I run a race with the wind. hula, I always run ahead of wind.

5. run a race的反义词

5. He said he could run as fast as a race horse.

6. Yes, an Obama presidency would close up two of America's deepest wounds: as a black man, especially one who does not run as a black politician, he would draw the sting of race from its politics; as a young man, he would step beyond the poisonous legacy of the 1960s division Vietnam wrought between liberals and conservatives.
Obama 的总统政权将要治愈美国两个最根深蒂固的硬伤:作为一个黑人,尤其是一个从未以政治家身份参与竞选的黑人(未字从哪里出来的?-----尤其是一个不已黑人政治家参选的黑人),他将从竞选政治中得到激励(他将拔除美国政治中种族偏见的硬刺sting );作为一个年轻人,他将超越六十年代越战时期自由主义者与保守主义者分裂遗毒的影响。

7. run a race的反义词

7. The race for 3-year-olds is run at a distance of 11/2 miles and draws the best horses from Ireland, Britain and France to compete.

8. run a race什么意思

8. Priestley was making a final practice run before the most important race of his life. During the warm-ups a car had blown its engine, and crews had to put down a %26ldquo; quick-dry%26rdquo; substance to cover up the oil on the track. As Priestley attempted to avoid another driver%26rsquo; s car, his wheel hit the substance and he lost control of the car.

9. Run a race with sb.

10. I think that a higher temperature in the summer under the conditions of their own race or a super Pi run 3DMark, as long as the stability can be adopted, and do not over-confident that the software testing of the temperature data.
我认为在夏天较高室温条件下自己跑一跑super Pi或3DMark,只要稳定通过就可以了,不必过分相信软件测试的温度数据。

11. run a race

11. Some people run the whole marathon as a family. Other people run the race backwards.

12. While I was trying to decide whether to run again, the governors race was shaping up to be a real donnybrook, whether I ran or not.

13. In other words, the rodents were now cognitively predisposed to keep doing the same things over and over, to run laps in the same dead-ended rat race rather than seek a pipeline to greener sewers.

14. run a race

14. But if you have a choice, do the long run four weeks out and the half-marathon three weeks before your race.

15. run a race的近义词

15. But if you have a choice, do the long run four weeksout and the half-marathon three weeks beforeyour race.


16. This weekend sees the Much More UK GP run at the Stonehaven track in Aberdeen, Scotland and as it establishes itself as a major race on the calendar, it has begun to attract top drivers from many different countries.

17. Do not you run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

18. run a race

18. He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race.

19. He is o a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race.

20. I started running when I was just 9 months old, but my first long distance run was at the age of 16 as part of a multi-sport team race in the mountains in New Zealand.

A healthy amount of fear can actually be beneficial because it helps you stay motivated to continue with your training and run a smart race.(适量的担心是有益的,因为它能助你保持动力来继续训练并且在比赛中让你跑的漂亮。)
For example, if you can race a 5-K at 7:40 per mile, you should run your max VO2 workouts at 7:20 to 7:30 pace.(比如,如果你的5千米比赛配速是7分40秒/英里,那么你就可以用7分20秒到7分30秒的配速进行你的训练。)
Plant a tree or garden, or memorialize the person in some fitting way, such as running in a charity run or walk (a breast cancer race, for example) in honor of the lost loved one.(栽一棵树或者种些花,或者再找一些其它合适的方式来纪念死者,如参加一些慈善活动(如为乳腺癌筹集善款的慈善赛跑)来纪念生之所爱。)
For recovery after a long run, tough workout or race, nothing beats an ice bath.(长跑、高强度锻炼或跑步比赛之后,要想身体快速地恢复,冰浴是再好不过的选择。)
But today, relations among states are discussed very much like a competition or race, and few have run it as well as China in the modern era.(但今天,我们谈论的国家关系很像是一场竞赛或是赛跑,在现在这个时代没有几个国家跑得像中国这样好。)
The average man may run a 100-meter race faster than the average woman and lift heavier weights.(一般男性可能在百米赛跑中比一般女性速度更快,也可以举起更重的重量。)
Let's run a race.(让我们赛跑吧。)
Run a race against yourself and make progress everyday.(每天进步一点点,学会跟自己比赛!)
If you're doing a long run or race (such as a marathon), you can do a "salt shot" before you start running, to get some extra salt.(如果是为了长跑或者参加竞赛(如马拉松),你还可以在起跑前做一点“补盐”活动,以摄取更多的盐分。)
Shortly after that race I got it in my head that I could run a marathon.(在这次比赛后不久,我脑海中有了一个念头:我也许可以跑马拉松。)
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